All of us have experiences that deserve the time and space to be explored with compassion and nuance.
Harnessing the healing power of curiosity, creativity, and supported vulnerability, we are all capable of moving towards the lives we want to build for ourselves.

Perhaps you feel stuck in a state of overwhelm, pain, anger, or grief.
Perhaps you feel powerless or numb in the face of uncertainty about the past, present, or future.
Perhaps your relationships aren’t nourishing you or providing enough safety for you to thrive.
Perhaps there are parts of you that have been silenced, shamed, or ignored for too long.
Whatever it is that brought you here today, I’m glad you’ve come.

Currently, I offer individual counselling and relationship counselling.
All counselling is provided through video or telephone formats.
Learn more:

Why Evergreen?
EVERGREENS harness their internal strength to not only withstand the trials of each season, but to flourish in them. Nurtured by connection to their roots and the environment around them, evergreens cultivate their vibrancy through a continuous process of transformation and renewal.
At Evergreen Counselling, we’ll aim to create a space where you can weather the challenges you’re facing and build towards a life of growth and vitality.

Get In Touch
If you decide that we might be a good therapeutic fit, please reach out to get started with a telephone consultation.